10 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Taking a Bath • Bathing has a long and detailed...
Affordable bath restoration
B i l l y t h e
B a t h B u f f e r
Baths for Sale
We have a wide selection of baths of different shapes and sizes and we can also source baths for you for your specific requirements. We sell re-surfaced baths using our unique process which enables us to offer a 10 year warranty. Here are a few examples but we normally have 60-100 baths in stock ready for restoration.
Please note some of these baths have not yet been restored. Lead time from order is 2-4 weeks however we sometimes have baths ready to go.
Here is an example of just a few different options.
10 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Taking a Bath • Bathing has a long and detailed history. Submerging ourselves in water, whether in a bathing receptacle or in a natural body of water is something we do for both personal hygiene, leisure and health. There is nothing more enjoyable...